Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ideas from Vegtables and Fruits for the Next Still Life Painting

I have a need to paint. Today did not get much painting done, so in the end of the afternoon I went out and bought some fruit and vegetables. Those are fun to paint!

I am going to work from the photos I take so my light stays consistent, and with how much I work, I doubt I can complete it all before the stuff goes bad. 

Do you know how hard it is to artistically peel an orange?

Most of these things are backlit by an overcast Michigan Spring day.

 Love the translucency of grapes and oranges! Which is why I chose back-lighting.
 I love the macro on my camera. Go ahead, you know you want to Pinterest it!

I may put these on a long aspect ratio canvas.

This one I would love to do on a medium to larger canvas. I'm not sure if I will go for oils or acrylics if I go larger.

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