Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chronicles of a Beginning Spinner: Short Staple Adventures

 I am a baby at drop spinning. and that's ok, because we all have to start somewhere!

Yes, it's addicting, even when you're frustrated with the short staple. The yarn on this spindle picture is my second try with this roving, so it's a little more even.

 I started out with this roving:

I think it's actually synthetic, as it doesn't felt, squeaks when wet, and leaves a hard residue when burnt. Also, it's short staple, which is giving me quite the challenge.

And this is the $h!t that is my first spun yarn. TA DA!!
I didn't have to ply it, I could have thrown it out. But .....I didn't, ok?

Later I Facebooked my fiber art friends to ask of spinning short staple was harder. It is, it's not just me!
Apparently I like to try to do things on expert mode right off the bat. But I also want to save my good, albeit still cheap, roving for when I know a tiny bit more of what I'm doing.

If I can do it so can you! 

"The master has failed more times than the student has ever tried."




Another update, and I think I'm getting better at it!

See? Getting better still!

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